What Color Is Math? Explore the Vibrant Palette of Math!

what color is math

If you have ever asked yourself, “What color is math?”, you’ve come to the right place! It might come off as a quirky question, but also a great one to ponder on as you take a break from solving math problems and equations. As you master new equations and formulas, use your creative side to think of an answer to this question. Grab your imaginary paintbrush and explore the vibrant hues of mathematics!

How Colorful Can Math Be?

Mathematics, a language we all speak, can be as colorful or monochromatic as it can be. Like other school subjects, we associate this subject with a particular hue. Solving math problems can be calming. That’s why there are some that associate math with shades of blue. Passionate math enthusiasts may feel like math ignites something in them. Hence, the association of math with red.

Photo shows art materials (painting and pencil colors) with math equation in the middle.

The color you choose to associate math with may show how you feel about the subject. This applies to other subjects too! Do you associate social studies with green? And history with orange? Is there a system to see how and why associating these hues with different subjects? Let’s try to unpack this in this article.

Why Do We Associate Subjects Like Math With Colors?

Colors affect how we feel and perceive things. Even in Inside Out, each emotion is associated with a color. How we feel about math is not exempt from us associating it with one or a spectrum of colors.

Picture this: the color of your math notebook, or the color of your math club shirt. What color would you prefer? Back in school, did you color-code your pens? Which colors would math notebooks be then? Over time, as our relationship with math evolves, we get to see how the colors that we associate it with evolve as well. Image shows different school supplies we often use in math class. It also includes three different colored notebooks. Come to think of it, math can be blue because blue can represent structure, serenity, and organization. Rules in math are structured and are built on other theorems. On the other hand, math can ignite creativity in us. Math problems can make you think outside the box and challenge you, invoking a fiery red shade in our minds. This shows that there is a system for how we associate these colors with math. It reflects how our brains perceive math, how we felt in school, and the emotions that we associate math with.

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Is Math Made of Shades of Blue or Red?

It’s the time to reflect on how we felt during our math classes and answer this question, “Is math red or blue?”. As we have tackled earlier, depending on how we perceive math, answers will vary for this question. Systems and rules in math do bring things order and we often associate calmness and structure with blue. When proving equations and identities, it can feel like there is a natural flow to these things. As natural as how rivers flow, so associating math with blue makes sense.

Photo shows two books - one is red and one is blue. Behind them is a whiteboard filled with math equations. Math can bring out the fiery, passionate, and creative side in us. Great math problems allow us to think outside the box, be creative with our approach, and find unique ways to solve them. Math can be dynamic and allows for different ways to deal with theorems, problems, and equations. For math enthusiasts, solving intricate math problems ignites the fire in us because solving a challenging problem, makes us feel energized and triumphant.

Time To Ask Students Their Answers: What Color Do You Associate Math With?

As we continue to think about our perception of math, it’s time to hear it from others. We asked some math wizards we have here at Juni Learning and see what color they associate math with. Hannah, a 10-year-old math whiz, sees math as a shade of calm, serene blue. Sharlene, an energetic and passionate 14-yr old, associates math with the fiery shades of red.

Photo shows two girls writing on their notebook in a classroom setting.

Alex, a 13-yr old who loves nature and hiking, sees math as a harmonious blend of green and blue. Meanwhile, 16-year-old Mike would like to see math as a spectrum of colors showcasing the different ways he perceives math.

It’s time for you to discover your color! At Juni Learning, we offer the whole spectrum of lessons. Our goal is to nurture and inspire students to find their learning paths and styles through our wide range of high-quality resources. Join Hannah, Sharlene, Alex, Mike, and our other passionate learners who are eager to ace their Common Core standards.

Splash of Colors for Math

We’ve reached the end of this article, so, what is the color of math? We’d like to think that the colors evolve as we go through different math topics, tackle challenging problems, and discover amazing applications of math. Math is made up of a splash of colors from which students can choose their choice of shade to see math. Remember that the color you choose is a personal preference and can even change over time, hope your feelings towards math can be as adaptive too!

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