After School Coding Classes: Unlock Your Child's Potential

Best after-school coding classes for kids

Did you know 90% of parents want their child to study computer science? No wonder because coding opens doors to great career opportunities, enhances creativity, and builds essential soft skills. Still, only 45% of high schools provide coding classes.

So, what can you do if your child wants to learn computer programming now? Switching schools might seem drastic, and self-study can be challenging. A much simpler and more effective option is after-school coding classes. In this blog, we’ll explore their benefits and guide you in selecting the best one for your child.

Why Is Coding a Great Extracurricular Activity for Your Kid?

Ever wondered if your child really needs to learn coding? At first sight, sports, science, or art might seem more appealing than killing hours at a keyboard. But wait to jump to conclusions – coding presents a wide range of benefits for your kid. Like what? Let’s dive into that.

Secure a Future-Proof Career Path

Computer skills will allow your child to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers in the future. Did you know that STEM pros earn 60% more than their colleagues in other fields? For example, in 2020, the average annual wage for STEM majors was about $63,000, while others had only $40,000. So, by introducing kid programming courses, you are investing in their future success.

Source: NCSES

Besides, digital technologies are moving our world forward, developing rapidly every day. The main goal is to simplify and make life more comfortable. Today, almost every piece of electronics that surrounds us is governed by code. And even if you are not a software developer, you still come across the results of their work.

As we move forward, the presence of digital solutions in our lives is only about to increase. That is why a computer specialist is the profession of the future. Unsurprisingly, demand for computer professionals could grow by an average of 21% between 2018 and 2028. This is especially true for software application developers, as much as 26%.

Source: TEXAS

Get a College Admissions Bonus

Coding isn't just about typing rows of numbers and symbols into your laptop. This skill boosts knowledge in many fields, which will be helpful when applying to college or university. First and foremost, math. Even if your child doesn't aspire to be a software developer in the future, coding can significantly enhance their math skills – crucial for college entrance exams like the ACT.

Regardless of your chosen major, this mandatory test has a rather huge math section: 60 questions and only 60 minutes to complete them! Coding not only improves mathematical understanding but also offers practical application of these concepts. It’s an excellent way to prep for such tests, potentially boosting ACT scores and, by extension, college acceptance chances.

Build Awesome Soft Skills

Coding upgrades more than just technical knowledge. It helps kids become brainy superheroes in lots of different ways:

  • Critical thinking will allow your child to evaluate the task and make optimal decisions correctly.

  • Problem-solving skills will enable children to independently assess the scale of a problem and find ways to solve it.

  • Teamwork will teach the child to understand their duties and take responsibility.

  • Communication will help them to formulate and communicate their ideas clearly.

Be Anywhere, Do Anything

Guess what? Coders just need a laptop and the internet. That means they can work from a treehouse, a beach, or even a castle! They don't have to sit in boring traffic or get to a stuffy office. More time for fun, adventures, and hanging out with you!

Create Cool Stuff

Isn't it great to learn how to create something new, like a mobile app, a website, or a robot buddy? Thanks to programming, your child will have this chance. Who knows, maybe they will create something that lightens your household hassles one day.

Coding isn't just about being smart with computers. It's about making ideas come to life, working with friends, and having the freedom to be creative anywhere. That's pretty amazing, right?

How to Find the Best After School Coding Classes?

First, let's define the age at which children can start coding. Actually, the earlier, the better. Why? Computer programming is very complex and needs a lot of practice. Starting early gives kids time to learn and make mistakes – that's how they become coding wizards!

Statistics say about 9% of kids start learning programming before the age of 10. The majority, namely 19%, begin to master this skill by the age of 15. But keep in mind the head start your child could have by beginning earlier.

Source: TEXAS

So, what choices do you have, and where to look for the best after-school coding classes? There are a few options:

  • Online schools. This is pretty convenient – your child can learn coding from home, saving you trips across town. All you need is a laptop and the internet. Luckily, many online schools are available today, so you can choose from plenty.

  • Self-study. This one’s a bit tricky. It's a good idea if you have some computer knowledge yourself so you can monitor your child's progress. The easiest way here is to check a set of YouTube videos on coding for beginners, but your kid needs to be really into it to succeed. So, you will need to spend a lot of personal time here.

  • Offline classes. This is a good option if you have a bad laptop or need special services for learning. You can get all this from offline schools. Besides, there are more chances for cooperation and working on common projects. The downside? It takes time to get to and from classes.

If you're leaning towards courses over self-study, here's what to keep an eye on:

  • Reliability and Quality: Do a bit of homework yourself first. Read online reviews about different courses, services, or tutors. Try not to limit yourself to checking only their websites - they tend to only show the shiny side. Look around on different forums or ask other parents for their opinions.

  • Price vs. Quality: It is better to ensure you’re getting the best for your money. You want your child to learn and enjoy, not just do something because it's there.

  • Your Child's Interests: When choosing a course, remember that you are doing it for your child first and foremost. Ask your kiddo whether online or offline learning is more convenient for them. Find out topics that spark their interest and whether they would like individual lessons with a tutor or group lessons with other children.


After-school coding classes are an excellent opportunity for your kids to develop their hard and soft skills. Don’t wait for the right moment – let your child dive headfirst into future technology and exciting projects. Just do it today to unlock the full potential of your little genius tomorrow.

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Did you know 90% of parents want their child to study computer science? No wonder because coding opens doors to great career opportunities, enhances creativity, and builds essential soft skills. Still, only 45% of high schools provide coding classes.

So, what can you do if your child wants to learn computer programming now? Switching schools might seem drastic, and self-study can be challenging. A much simpler and more effective option is after-school coding classes. In this blog, we’ll explore their benefits and guide you in selecting the best one for your child.

Why Is Coding a Great Extracurricular Activity for Your Kid?

Ever wondered if your child really needs to learn coding? At first sight, sports, science, or art might seem more appealing than killing hours at a keyboard. But wait to jump to conclusions – coding presents a wide range of benefits for your kid. Like what? Let’s dive into that.

Secure a Future-Proof Career Path

Computer skills will allow your child to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers in the future. Did you know that STEM pros earn 60% more than their colleagues in other fields? For example, in 2020, the average annual wage for STEM majors was about $63,000, while others had only $40,000. So, by introducing kid programming courses, you are investing in their future success.

Source: NCSES

Besides, digital technologies are moving our world forward, developing rapidly every day. The main goal is to simplify and make life more comfortable. Today, almost every piece of electronics that surrounds us is governed by code. And even if you are not a software developer, you still come across the results of their work.

As we move forward, the presence of digital solutions in our lives is only about to increase. That is why a computer specialist is the profession of the future. Unsurprisingly, demand for computer professionals could grow by an average of 21% between 2018 and 2028. This is especially true for software application developers, as much as 26%.

Source: TEXAS

Get a College Admissions Bonus

Coding isn't just about typing rows of numbers and symbols into your laptop. This skill boosts knowledge in many fields, which will be helpful when applying to college or university. First and foremost, math. Even if your child doesn't aspire to be a software developer in the future, coding can significantly enhance their math skills – crucial for college entrance exams like the ACT.

Regardless of your chosen major, this mandatory test has a rather huge math section: 60 questions and only 60 minutes to complete them! Coding not only improves mathematical understanding but also offers practical application of these concepts. It’s an excellent way to prep for such tests, potentially boosting ACT scores and, by extension, college acceptance chances.

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Build Awesome Soft Skills

Coding upgrades more than just technical knowledge. It helps kids become brainy superheroes in lots of different ways:

  • Critical thinking will allow your child to evaluate the task and make optimal decisions correctly.

  • Problem-solving skills will enable children to independently assess the scale of a problem and find ways to solve it.

  • Teamwork will teach the child to understand their duties and take responsibility.

  • Communication will help them to formulate and communicate their ideas clearly.

Be Anywhere, Do Anything

Guess what? Coders just need a laptop and the internet. That means they can work from a treehouse, a beach, or even a castle! They don't have to sit in boring traffic or get to a stuffy office. More time for fun, adventures, and hanging out with you!

Create Cool Stuff

Isn't it great to learn how to create something new, like a mobile app, a website, or a robot buddy? Thanks to programming, your child will have this chance. Who knows, maybe they will create something that lightens your household hassles one day.

Coding isn't just about being smart with computers. It's about making ideas come to life, working with friends, and having the freedom to be creative anywhere. That's pretty amazing, right?

How to Find the Best After School Coding Classes?

First, let's define the age at which children can start coding. Actually, the earlier, the better. Why? Computer programming is very complex and needs a lot of practice. Starting early gives kids time to learn and make mistakes – that's how they become coding wizards!

Statistics say about 9% of kids start learning programming before the age of 10. The majority, namely 19%, begin to master this skill by the age of 15. But keep in mind the head start your child could have by beginning earlier.

Source: TEXAS

So, what choices do you have, and where to look for the best after-school coding classes? There are a few options:

  • Online schools. This is pretty convenient – your child can learn coding from home, saving you trips across town. All you need is a laptop and the internet. Luckily, many online schools are available today, so you can choose from plenty.

  • Self-study. This one’s a bit tricky. It's a good idea if you have some computer knowledge yourself so you can monitor your child's progress. The easiest way here is to check a set of YouTube videos on coding for beginners, but your kid needs to be really into it to succeed. So, you will need to spend a lot of personal time here.

  • Offline classes. This is a good option if you have a bad laptop or need special services for learning. You can get all this from offline schools. Besides, there are more chances for cooperation and working on common projects. The downside? It takes time to get to and from classes.

If you're leaning towards courses over self-study, here's what to keep an eye on:

  • Reliability and Quality: Do a bit of homework yourself first. Read online reviews about different courses, services, or tutors. Try not to limit yourself to checking only their websites - they tend to only show the shiny side. Look around on different forums or ask other parents for their opinions.

  • Price vs. Quality: It is better to ensure you’re getting the best for your money. You want your child to learn and enjoy, not just do something because it's there.

  • Your Child's Interests: When choosing a course, remember that you are doing it for your child first and foremost. Ask your kiddo whether online or offline learning is more convenient for them. Find out topics that spark their interest and whether they would like individual lessons with a tutor or group lessons with other children.


After-school coding classes are an excellent opportunity for your kids to develop their hard and soft skills. Don’t wait for the right moment – let your child dive headfirst into future technology and exciting projects. Just do it today to unlock the full potential of your little genius tomorrow.

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