High School Tutors

Information on High School tutors

When transitioning from middle school to high school, students are met with increased demands (both socially and academically). There can be a lot of pressure when it comes to schoolwork, extracurricular activities, social interaction, and so on.

Today, we focus on tutoring services for high school students (in various subject areas). From English to chem to geometry, there’s a point of accessibility for every student!

Ready to learn about private tutoring that fits your learning style? Let’s go!

Why High School Tutoring

From test prep to advanced placement (AP) assistance, tutoring sessions are helpful for various backgrounds and learning abilities. All learners can excel with the right fit. This includes those with learning differences and more academically successful students.

High school tutoring provides a safe, comfortable environment for a high school student to grow & thrive in their academic pursuits (and beyond).

Experienced tutors can have a profound effect on high schoolers. This extends beyond the classroom, helping to set them up for a healthy & productive adulthood. Tutoring and mentoring provide the tools to be more confident and ready for current learning, future academic pursuits, and the careers of the future!

Who Needs Tutoring?

Whether you’re just entering high school or approaching the graduation finish line, virtually any high schooler can benefit from tutoring! Need a boost in study skills? Have issues with high school math? Want to gain fluency in a foreign language? Whatever it is, you’ll find many in-person and online tutors for everything from algebra ii to social studies to Spanish.

There are a few signs when a student might need tutoring:

• Having a hard time completing or keeping up with homework

• Grades start slipping (due to various factors)

• Not producing good grades even after many hours of study

• Lacking interest in school subjects and learning in general

• Exhibiting frustration or low self-confidence with regards to school

It’s perfectly natural to display any one or all of these signs. Afterall, we’re human. Instead of being hard on oneself, there are several avenues a student and their families can take in order to level up. High school tutoring is definitely at the top of the list!

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Types of High School Tutors

Okay, we now know the what and why of tutoring. Let’s take a look at the various kinds of tutors that can help boost a student’s confidence and academic performance!

Classroom Tutors

Classroom tutoring, as opposed to 1:1 private tutoring, offers a key advantage. Whereas private tutoring targets a sole student’s particular needs, tutoring in the classroom helps a group of students to discover their needs in the first place.

If a student is timid or shy, classroom tutoring can help them learn from other students (and hopefully encourage them to add to the conversation). Often taught after school or at night at a tutoring center, this is a more affordable alternative to private tutoring.

Free Tutors

Looking for the most accessible (and affordable) tutoring option? There’s always free tutoring! This can come from a variety of sources, from high school teachers to student tutors to various government agencies that provide these types of services.

The most common form of free tutoring is from high school students that have excelled in various subjects. Next are teachers, many of which offer extra help before, during or after regular school hours. Keep in mind that this may not be the most effective approach.

In-Home Tutors

Representing a highly effective (and the most expensive) option, in-home tutoring is a super convenient, tailored approach. This helps make the entire process as comfortable and focused as possible, all in the comfort of your own home.

Another benefit of an in-home tutor is that they may know your student’s school or specific teachers. This can prove to be quite invaluable when trying to ascertain the particular hurdles in the way of the student’s progress.

Online Tutors

Have a busy schedule? Live in a remote area? Enjoy communicating and learning online? Along with being a more cost-effective option versus in-person tutoring, online tutoring offers easy access to services around the world in the matter of minutes!

Whether you’re homeschooled or dealing with pandemic-related issues, online tutors can open the doors to learning. Keep in mind, however, that this does require up-to-date equipment and decent internet connection, things not all students have access to.

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All of these kinds of tutors can offer assistance in myriad subjects, including:

• Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics)

• Math (Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, etc.)

• English and Writing

• Foreign Language (Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.)

• Learning Differences (including for those with ADHD and autism)

• Test Prep (SAT, ACT, etc.)


How to Pick High School Tutor

Each student comes with their unique learning needs, style, and viewpoint. You also want to consider things like scheduling (especially for busier students) and budget.

Here are things to keep in mind when choosing a tutor:

• Tutoring approach: One of the main advantages of tutoring is its tailored nature. That’s why it’s so important to select a tutor that matches with the needs and style of a high school student. Examine their approach to see if it’s the right fit.

• Experience: Keep in mind that though a tutor might specialize in a certain subject, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are proficient at different levels. For example, a student in intro physics has different needs than a student in AP physics.

• Teamwork abilities: Oftentimes, tutoring is a collaborative effort. It can involve parents and educators to ensure proper implementation (particularly for kids with learning differences). Consider if you need a solo tutor or a team player.

• Measurable success: From references to proof of academic success, a successful tutor should be able to easily supply a track record. Be cautious of any tutoring services that talk a good game but can’t provide concrete evidence of student success.

• Availability and scheduling flexibility: Last but not least, it’s important to keep in mind the Tetris game that is high school academic, extracurricular, and social life. Flexibility is crucial when it comes to busy schedules. Tutoring should help and not hinder.

Worth Getting a Tutor?

Tutoring can offer a ton of value. However, you should also temper expectations. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring, along with its typical cost.

Pros and Cons of Tutoring

Here’s a short list of pros:

• Boost in study skills (great for college and future careers)

• Get better grades

• Be prepared for important tests and evaluations

• Increase confidence in various subjects

• Foster overall love of learning

Here’s a short list of cons:

• Not every student will get high grades or test scores

• Academic tutoring can’t fix emotional issues (which should be properly addressed)

• High cost does not equal high results (and should be based on experience & approach)

Cost of High School Tutoring

Aside from free tutoring, which is free of charge, high school tutoring is generally charged by the half-hour or full hour. There are several factors that affect pricing, including experience, specialization, location, and travel (if necessary).

In some cases, tutoring can be accessed via a subscription model. This means that a student can get access to a group of tutors at any time. This typically is offered based on hours of use per month. At the end of the day, you’ll need to find the right fit for your student’s needs.

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Final Thoughts: High School Tutors

From getting good grades to PSAT/NMSQT prep, high school tutoring offers a plethora of advantages! This includes everything from special education to trigonometry.

Whether your focus is athletics, college prep or the love of learning, tutoring can provide the challenge & engagement that typically isn’t found in the classroom. By focusing on a student’s specific needs and learning style, that student can live their best life!

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