One-On-One Tutoring

POSTED ON MAY 17, 2022
Information on finding a one-on-one tutor

Looking for increased academic success? College prep? Need to feed insatiable curiosity? One-on-one tutoring might be exactly what your student needs!

Whether in need of homework help, test preparation or summer learning, there's one-on-one tutoring sessions for any grade level and learning style.

Let’s take a quick look at one-on-one tutoring!

Why One-On-One Tutoring?

From elementary school to high school, a tutoring program is a great way to reinforce and retain learning throughout the school year (as well as during the summer). Online tools, for instance, provide super accessibility to one-on-one tutoring.

One-on-one tutoring offers many benefits. This includes test prep (and boosting test scores), and college prep. As opposed to a large classroom or small group, this type of tutoring allows for an experience that is highly tailored and focused on a particular student’s needs!

Personalized tutoring, whether in person or online, is a powerful addition to standard learning programs. Even if it’s just one hour a week or month, student success can level up quite a bit academically and developmentally.

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Selecting One-On-One Tutoring

One-on-one mentoring and tutoring is a special bond between instructor and student. In order to facilitate an enriching & engaging experience, here are essential steps when choosing a tutoring service that fits your student’s exact needs!

Know What You’re Looking For

When starting out, it’s important to make an assessment. Are you looking for general academic help or assistance in a specific subject (like coding or math)? Does your student need a little boost or significant academic help? Clearly understanding their needs is crucial.

Another thing to keep in mind is a student’s learning style. An effective tutor can pinpoint and cater to a learner’s style. This is especially important when considering one-on-one tutors. Some students require more attention than others, and it helps to know this early on.

Last but not least, keep in mind whether this is their first time with tutoring. It can be a bit of an adjustment (particularly meeting and getting comfortable with a new tutor). Also, consider if your student has avoidance or procrastination issues. A tutor can help with time management and other study skills to help improve their overall learning experience!

Know Where to Search

There are so many options to choose from now. Whether you’re in search of online or in-person tutoring, you should have plenty of avenues to explore. The key is to know exactly where to look.

One option is a local college, university or nonprofit organization. Contact the guidance office or school administration. They should be able to steer you in the right direction. Of course, this might be a good option if you’re in high school or getting ready to enter college.

Another great resource is in-school and peer tutoring. Your student may have access to tutoring right under your nose! Peer tutoring, for instance, matches up students of varying or comparable academic success. This can be a great support system for all grade levels (K-12).

Finally, there’s the online option. Princeton Review’s Tutor Service, for instance, is a good starting point for searching for one-on-one tutors.

Research Your Options

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to dive into research!

There are three main components. One, take a look at the tutor's credentials. What level of education do they have? What is their subject focus? How many years of experience do they have (and how many students have they tutored)?

Two, consider their tutoring methodology and philosophy. What are their particular strategies, and is there room for them to adjust to your student’s learning style?

Three, check references and background whenever possible. An established tutor should be able to offer this information without much issue.

Select a Tutor

Okay, so it’s time to pick a tutor!

Keep in mind the following points: desired outcomes, cost, scheduling, meeting location (online or in person?), tutoring supplies, and lesson plans.

It helps to be on the same page. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will make for a much smoother (and clearer) experience for you, your student, and the tutor!

Keep Tabs on Progress

It doesn’t stop once tutoring has started!

Monitoring progress goes a long way. Make sure there’s clear communication between you and the tutor. Ask for feedback. Another option is to sit in on a tutoring session to get a good read on the tutor (as well as how the tutoring is structured and how your student is responding to it).

Whether a student requires help with Scratch coding or an online physics course, it’s important to ensure that they are provided with a positive, engaging learning environment.

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