How We Teach Grammar to Middle School Students | Our Middle School C English Course

Illustration of a child raising their hand to answer a question in English class, with a computer displayed in the background

Grammar gets a bad rap in schools. Proper language skills are often left for skill-and-drill exercises, squeezed into the last 10 minutes of class. Students can’t be expected to give their full attention when all they want is to get to lunch — or, in the age of distance learning, to dash around the house before the next Zoom meeting begins.

Juni’s curriculum team has a secret they’d like to let you in on: grammar doesn’t have to be boringg

Introducing Middle School C: Grammar & Mechanics

In this new course, students develop mastery of language skills while taking part in fun personal narrative writing projects. By weaving grammar instruction into engaging writing projects, this course encourages students to write both creatively and correctly.

Our course is based on the Common Core State Standards for 6th-8th grade English/Language Arts. The topics covered include:

  • Parts of speech
  • Sentence types
  • Correct punctuation of phrases and clauses
  • Correct usage of commas, dashes, parentheses, and ellipses

An example question from our new grammar class, asking students to determine the type of verbal used in a sentence.

Discover by Instruction, Master Through Projects

In each module, our instructors use direct instruction and guided practice to introduce students to new concepts. Then, students practice applying those concepts in a series of reading, writing, and multiple-choice questions. Finally, students synthesize their learning through personal narrative writing projects in the portal.

Our curriculum team’s goal was to teach students both how to write correctly and why correct writing is important. Our writing projects synthesize new skills to immerse students in the practical applications of grammar and mechanics.

A prompt from our new English class in which students are asked to write about a person that inspires them.

For example, after learning how to use a semicolon, students are asked to write a short essay about an individual that inspired them. In that essay, they are required to identify (or add!) at least two semicolons to their essay.

By highlighting the role of grammar and mechanics in student writing, our curriculum provides students a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of writing and a sense of excitement about honing their writing craft.

Learn Grammar With Juni

Middle School C: Grammar & Mechanics is an excellent companion to any middle school student’s English/Language Arts class. If you are looking for supplemental, 1:1 language skills practice for your student—or if you want your student to discover the joys of being a grammarian, enroll them in Middle School C today!

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