Introducing Behind the Screen | Meet Juni Instructors

Juni Instructors

Introducing Behind the Screen

When we started this company, we knew immediately that our instructors would be what makes every student’s experience with us special. Today, we’re introducing Behind the Screen, a blog series that features the stories behind our exceptional team.

Our customers frequently ask us — who are your instructors? Where are they from? Where do you find them? What is their teaching style? These stories paint a picture of the qualities we look for in our team.

We’ve received hundreds of applications to the Juni instructor team this year, and we hire about 15% of those who apply. Our instructors represent many top computer science programs, including:

  • Brown University
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • Harvard University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • MIT
  • Stanford University
  • UC Berkeley
  • UCLA
  • UC San Diego
  • Wellesley College
  • Yale University

Today, we’re kicking off Behind the Screen by featuring Joe Yao and Nazeli Hagen. Joe is our Lead Instructor at Juni, and Nazeli is an instructor from Harvard University.

Behind the Screen with Joe Yao

Behind the Screen with Nazeli Hagen

Happy reading!

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