Juni Hackathon Winners: February 2020

Juni Learning's Hackathon Winners: February 2020

February 2020 - Winter Wonderland

We just wrapped up our second Hackathon here at Juni, and were completely blown away by everyone’s enthusiasm! Our participants came from over 30 different states, with diverse teams from every grade level. Hundreds of students put their wintery imaginations to work, creating projects like amazing ice mazes to fun penguin defense games.

Needless to say, it was harder than ever to pick only 3 winners from each league. Our judges spent hours carefully reviewing each and every individual and team submission. Each submission was evaluated using our four key grading criteria—code quality, complexity, creativity, and presentation. Even if you didn't place in this Hackathon, we highly encourage all students to continue their amazing work and compete again in our next Hackathon.

Thank you everyone, and be sure to register for our next Hackathon! We'll be holding a series of Hackathons this year, so stay tuned.

Announcing our February Hackathon Winners!

We’re excited to present to you our winners for each league below, and congratulate them for their amazing work.

Explorer League Logo

Explorer League

This league features our talented junior coders, who were challenged to build winter-themed projects in the coding language, Scratch. Our Explorer League had an incredible turnout this Hackathon — we were excited to see so many blooming young programmers!

Gold Medal

Aaryan S., Lucas B. & Oliver B.
5th Grade
1st Place Team, Explorer League

Aaryan, Lucas and Oliver's project:

Silver Medal

Saachi N. & Tiya M.
4th Grade
2nd Place Team, Explorer League

Saachi and Tiya's project:

Bronze Medal

Luke P., Colin P. & Blake W.
4th Grade
3rd Place Team, Explorer League

Luke, Colin and Blake's project:

Evan W. & Ryan W.
4th and 5th Grade
Honorable Mention, Explorer League

Evan and Ryan's project:

JV League Logo

Junior Varsity League

Our JV League features up-and-coming young students with a good amount of coding experience. They built their winter-themed projects in Python or Java.

Gold Medal

Andrea L.
6th Grade
1st Place Team, JV League

Andrea's project:

Silver Medal

Samuel D.
7th Grade
2nd Place Team, JV League

Samuel's project:

Bronze Medal

Alexis L. & Ethan L.
7th and 8th Grade
3rd Place Team, JV League

Alexis and Ethan's project:

Daniel V. & Ethan K.
7th and 8th Grade
Honorable Mention, JV League

Daniel and Ethan's project:

Hollister M.
4th Grade
Honorable Mention, JV League

Hollister's project:

JV League Logo

Varsity League

Our Varsity League showcases our most advanced student projects. Teams self-selected one of the three following topics to work on for their projects: data science, web development, or a complex game in Python or Java.

Gold Medal

Krish K.
9th Grade
1st Place Team, Varsity League

Krish's Project:

Silver Medal

Nidhi S.
6th Grade
2nd Place Team, Varsity League

Nidhi's Project:

Bronze Medal

Anthony N. & Shishir R.
7th Grade
3rd Place Team, Varsity League

Anthony and Shishir's Project:

What is the Juni Hackathon?

Hackathons are an invaluable experience for engineers of all backgrounds. They give both advanced and new coders the opportunity to collaborate with others, show off their creative skills, and learn from hands-on experience.

However, Hackathons are often day-long events limited to college students or adults, and held at physical venues that can be hard for some to attend. Despite all odds, Juni was determined to make the hackathon experience accessible for passionate young coders all over the country.

And thus, the Juni Hackathon was born!

What’s great about our Hackathon?

  • Free to compete
  • 100% online - you only need a computer and internet connection!
  • Open to various ages, and levels of coding experience
  • Win prizes!

Register for our next Hackathon now to be the first to know our project prompts. Our February 2020 Hackathon marks the start of our upcoming 2020 Hackathon series.

Want to know more about hackathons? Check out our blog for a Hackathons 101 Guide.

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