Parent Spotlight: Kim

Lilah Juni Coding Student

Meet Kim! Her son has taken courses at Juni for 3 years. Kim talks about her family's experience with Juni and how it has helped develop her sons passion for coding. She sheds light on the problem Juni helped solve for their family and how her sons relationship with learning has changed since discovering Juni courses.

Read more below!

Why did your family join Juni?

This is learning that they will use forever. Our family joined Juni when my son expressed an interest in coding. He had taken a few simple scratch classes and really wanted to continue, so I did some research and I wanted something a little bit more sophisticated than the basic programing. And that's where I found Juni and he's loved it ever since.

How has Juni impacted your family?

When my son takes a Juni class I know he's in great hands. He has one on one mentorship with his teacher, and he has a trust that he's built with this teacher over the years. He's very independent. I don't have to be involved in any of the curriculum or projects. It's a place where he can go and do it on his own, where he can feel confident and where he can come away with a real world skill that I know he'll use in college and beyond.

What problem existed that Juni helped fix?

I think the problem that Juni solves is offering skills that kids need now in the workforce. We started, for instance, with Python 1 and went through Python 2 and Python 3. He’s now on to Game Design & Data Science. It's everything that the working world is telling us that kids need to learn and they don't necessarily get it in a brick and mortar school.

Has your child’s relationship with learning changed since joining Juni?

My son has always loved to learn, but since joining Juni he has really sharpened his critical thinking skills. He's not only learning coding, he's learning critical thinking and how to think outside the box and how to solve problems and these are things that he's going to need his whole life.

What would you tell other parents thinking about joining Juni?

I would recommend Juni to everybody, really, they have something for every child. They have coding, math, biology, robotics, entrepreneurship, investing. These are courses that normally aren't offered until college. But Juni gives kids an opportunity to explore right now when they're young and figure out what they're passionate about.

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