Novel Writing

4.9 (23 ratings)
Taken by 110 students

It’s ambitious, but middle and high schoolers have the ability and creativity to write novels. They just need some guidance! We’ll coach them through creative writing skills, practice accountability, and offer expertise along the way.

Private 1:1
Age 11-18
50 minutes
Per class
Novel Writing

About this Course


Billed as

$275 / month

4 classes / month × $68.75 / class
  • Cancel anytime

1:1 classes are 50 minutes long and can be scheduled anytime Monday-Sunday from 7am to 7pm PT. To begin, select Book your Placement Class to signup. Our team will then match you and set up your first class!

  • Course duration
    4-6 months
  • Lesson
    50 minutes
  1. I can generate an objective for my protagonist and antagonist

  2. I can write a character portrait of a protagonist and an antagonist

  3. I can generate a conflict to my protagonist’s objective

  4. I can structure a plot around the conflict to my protagonist’s objective

  5. I can outline my novel's narrative structure, categorized as stasis, rising action, conflict, falling action, and resolution

  6. I can narrate the same scene from two different points of view by using a flashback or an internal monologue

  7. I can describe a vivid setting by using sensory language

  8. I can write dialogue that is particular to a certain character

  9. I can strategically use dialogue to develop my characters and reveal new information

  1. Joyful Collaboration

    1. I practice listening to my instructor and sharing my ideas to co-create understanding
    2. I attempt tasks independently and ask my instructor questions when I need help
  2. Unlimited Curiosity

    1. I take ownership of my learning by asking meaningful questions both when I need clarification and when I want to know more about a topic
  3. Nimble Determination

    1. I practice resilience when I am frustrated that I have not yet achieved mastery of a new concept or skill; instead of complaining about challenges, I try new approaches and creative solutions
  4. Invest in Excellence

    1. I arrive to class on time and prepared to learn, with my computer set up with a strong internet connection
    2. I complete my homework on time, and if I cannot complete my homework due to other obligations, I honestly communicate the reasons for late homework to my instructor
    3. I do my best to stay present and on task for the whole session. I support my focus by putting away any distracting technology and setting notifications on my device to “do not disturb” mode
  1. Completion of 5th Grade English/Language Arts coursework

  2. Willingness to sit still and draft creative writing projects in a 50-minute session

Who are Juni’s Instructors?

Our instructors are subject matter experts from top US universities. Instructors are highly-vetted and background checked prior to joining and undergo extensive training before ever teaching on our platform.

Upon signing up, parents are asked a series of questions that allow us to match your child with an optimal instructor based on their unique needs and interests. Factors that are considered in our matching process include Learning Style, Personality, Personal Experience, and Academic & Career Aspiration.

Headshot for Puja D
Puja D
I really like bringing a strong energy to my classes, and sharing excitement with my students about learning new topics.

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Real reviews from real parents

4.9 out of 5(23 ratings)
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This was a fantastic summer course for Lucas
Sheila P
Jan 30, 2022
This was a fantastic summer course for Lucas. He learned a lot about the writing process and was so proud of his finished work. Christian gave excellent feedback throughout the course and helped Lucas gain the confidence to continue writing and creating.

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