Pre-Algebra A

4.8 (103 ratings)
Taken by 621 students

Pre-Algebra tees up Algebra for 5th to 8th graders. Whether your student is working ahead, gaining confidence, or filling in gaps missed at school, Juni’s here to help. We cover arithmetic review, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, expressions, exponents, and radicals.

Private 1:1
Age 10-13
50 minutes
Per class
Pre-Algebra A

About this Course

This Juni Math Course is common core aligned and is perfect for learners looking to catch up or get ahead. Each lesson is designed around exciting projects and discovery-based learning, giving students a fun and practical way to hone their math skills.

Billed as

$275 / month

4 classes / month × $68.75 / class
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1:1 classes are 50 minutes long and can be scheduled anytime Monday-Sunday from 7am to 7pm PT. To begin, select Book your Placement Class to signup. Our team will then match you and set up your first class!

  • Course duration
    4-6 months
  • Lesson
    50 minutes
  1. Arithmetic Review-1: I can perform basic arithmetic.

  2. Arithmetic Review-2: I can evaluate expressions using order of operations.

  3. Arithmetic Review-3: I can compare positive numbers.

  4. Arithmetic Review-4: I can compare negative numbers.

  5. Arithmetic Review-5: I can perform arithmetic with negative numbers.

  6. Arithmetic Review-6: I can evaluate absolute values.

  1. Division and Multiplication-1: I can multiply 2 or 3 digit numbers.

  2. Division and Multiplication-2: I can divide 2 or 3 digit numbers.

  1. Fractions-1: I can convert between improper fractions a mixed numbers.

  2. Fractions-2: I can simplify fractions.

  3. Fractions-3: I can compare fractions.

  4. Fractions-4: I can multiply and divide fractions.

  5. Fractions-5: I can add and subtract fractions.

  1. Decimals-1: I can add and subtract decimals.

  2. Decimals-2: I can multiply and divide decimals.

  3. Decimals-3: I can convert between fractions and decimals.

  1. Percents-1: I can convert fractions to percents.

  2. Percents-2: I can convert percents to fractions and decimals.

  3. Percents-3: I can compute the percentage of a total.

  4. Percents-4: I can find the percent change of a value.

  1. Proportions-1: I can find ratios.

  2. Proportions-2: I can use ratios to solve for unknowns.

  3. Proportions-3: I can maintain proportionality.

  4. Proportions-4: I can convert between different units.

  5. Proportions-5: I can perform multiple conversions.

  1. Sequences-1: I can find the common difference of a sequence

  2. Sequences-2: I can identify the next terms in the sequence

  3. Sequences-3: I can fill in missing terms in the sequence

  1. Factoring Expressions-1: I can simplify expressions with variables

  2. Factoring Expressions-2: I can apply the distributive property

  3. Factoring Expressions-3: I can apply the commutative property

  4. Factoring Expressions-4: I can evaluate an expression for a certain value of x

  5. Factoring Expressions-5: I can find common factors

  6. Factoring Expressions-6: I can factor algebraic expressions

  1. Exponents-1: I can compute positive exponents

  2. Exponents-2: I can simplify algebraic expressions with exponents

  3. Exponents-3: I can apply the product and quotient rules

  4. Exponents-4: I can recognize special exponent patterns

  5. Exponents-5: I can compute negative exponents

  6. Exponents-6: I can compute the power of a power

  7. Exponents-7: I can compute powers of products and quotients

  8. Exponents-8: I can read scientific notation

  9. Exponents-9: I can perform operations using scientific notation

  1. Radicals-1: I can calculate square roots

  2. Radicals-2: I can simplify algebraic expressions with radicals

  3. Radicals-3: I can add and subtract radicals

  4. Radicals-4: I can multiply and divide radicals

  5. Radicals-5: I can convert between fractional exponents and radicals

  1. I can explain what the question is asking for.

  2. I can explain my thinking behind my work.

  3. I check my work carefully during or after I finish a question.

  4. When I am stuck on a question, I show perseverance by trying a new method or asking for help.

  5. When I am stuck on a question, I use what I know to find a place to start.

  1. Joyful Collaboration

    1. I practice listening to my instructor and sharing my ideas to co-create understanding.
    2. I attempt tasks independently and ask my instructor questions when I need help.
  2. Unlimited Curiosity

    1. I take ownership of my learning by asking meaningful questions both when I need clarification and when I want to know more about a topic.
  3. Nimble Determination

    1. I practice resilience when I am frustrated that I have not yet achieved mastery of a new concept or skill; instead of complaining about challenges, I try new approaches and creative solutions.
  4. Investment in Excellence

    1. I arrive to class on time and prepared to learn, with my computer set up with a strong internet connection.
    2. I complete my homework on time, and if I cannot complete my homework due to other obligations, I honestly communicate the reasons for late homework to my instructor.
    3. I do my best to stay present and on task for the whole session. I support my focus by putting away any distracting technology and setting notifications on my device to “do not disturb” mode.

Instructors will assign students roughly 60 minutes of class related problems at the end of each session. Homework is generally pulled from Juni's curriculum and is meant to complement the class experience and ensure the student continues to learn and grow outside of the session

Late Elementary B or demonstrated understanding of 5th grade math

Who are Juni’s Instructors?

Our instructors are subject matter experts from top US universities. Instructors are highly-vetted and background checked prior to joining and undergo extensive training before ever teaching on our platform.

Upon signing up, parents are asked a series of questions that allow us to match your child with an optimal instructor based on their unique needs and interests. Factors that are considered in our matching process include Learning Style, Personality, Personal Experience, and Academic & Career Aspiration.

Headshot for Puja D
Puja D
I really like bringing a strong energy to my classes, and sharing excitement with my students about learning new topics.

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Real Reviews from Real Parents

4.9 out of 5



My 3 sons ages, 10 1/2, 9 and 7 started using Juni in early June 2020 and absolutely love it. The instructors are college age kids and they relate to my boys very well. My oldest is doing both the coding and math tracks and I feel like he will be way ahead of his 5th grade class come the fall. Once the other two are old enough I will certainly be enrolling them in math as well.

Tarun Mehta

Juni has been amazing for my daughter. She is a reluctant learner when it comes to Computer Languages, but the Juni instructors have been engaging to her at a level where she feels comfortable with them and they manner in which they present the curriculum. They understood my ask that I Wanted her to start liking computer languages, and they are presenting the information in a way that is fun and relatable. I am very happy with my Juni experience and my daughter's journey with Juni so far!


I have two boys taking classes and the Juni takes the time to match the right instructor for my children. They are patient and very consistent in their teaching. The boys are thoroughly enjoying their class and love accomplishing and learning new things!

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